The most amazing thing happened; a truly extraordinary act of benevolence that will benefit many
We were approached by a friend who is an artist, an art professor and collector of local West Virginia art. He told us that he has far too much art in his collection to display in his home and he is loathe to let it collect dust in storage or in the basement of a museum where it would only be brought out every once in a while. He told us that he has been reading about Lafayette Flats and our desire to cover the walls with local, original art and that he would like to helps us accomplish that goal. He has pieces by many, many West Virginia artists that – in his words – are far too important not to be on display somewhere.
As it turns out – to our absolute astonishment – that somewhere will be Lafayette Flats.
As we write this, our benefactor is busily going through his collection and compiling pieces that he thinks will suit our needs. He has already delivered some wonderful paintings and tells us that there are many more coming soon.
Words cannot express our appeciation. We are at once humbled and exhilerated by his generosity.
Soon we will be able to share more details about this exciting development! Stay tuned!