In celebration of the 10th anniversary of Lafayette Flats, Shawn wrote a book about our journey from lovers of Fayetteville to tourism entrepreneurs. Have a peek!
On June 21 of last year, at 11:00 AM, we closed on our building. After a quick lunch we went back to the building, changed into work clothes and began the hard, dirty work of renovation that consumed virtually our every waking, non-vocational hour for the next nine and a half months. Since our open […]
We’re so glad to have put away all of the big, heavy and noisy tools in favor of paintbrushes and finishing nails. We have one more dust-creating task ahead of us: the installation of the laminate flooring in Corten scheduled for Friday. After that it, it is time to install fixtures, touch up paint and […]
We have (finally!) set the date for our open house: Sunday April 6 from 1:00 until 5:00. We are so very hopeful that all of the folks who have followed us on this blog and on Facebook will join us that day to help us celebrate our project’s completion. Over the next few weeks we […]
Construction is ongoing, but the third floor and major portions of the second floor are nearly done. Here are a few before and after photos of some of the areas where work is complete. Before and after views of the 3rd floor hallway where the entry to Quinnimont (Flat 3) is now located. Eddy’s (Flat […]
Looking back at some of our “before” photos, we were struck at some of the major changes that have taken place over the past 6 months. This photo in particular evokes strong feelings for us. This old electrical system competed for room in the narrow stairwell that serves as Lafayette Flats main entrance. The former […]
Old, new and restored woodwork can all be seen in this picture. As we have worked on Lafayette Flats these past many months, it has been a great pleasure to have visitors drop by to share with us stories from the building’s past. We were first fascinated by the stories of the Italian stone […]
Lafayette Flats’ official Historian, Carl McLaughlin, has been researching the history of our building and in this entry, he looks at the Bank of Fayette (for which our building was originally build to house) and one of its key employees. The Bank of Fayette moved into the Malcolm Building (today’s Lafayette Flats) in 1906. Joseph […]
A lot of work has happened this week at Lafayette Flats. Unfortunately most of it is not terribly photogenic and so you’ll have to take out word for how impressive it all is. First, rough plumbing is all done. Those of you who have followed us since the beginning understand how big of a deal that […]
As the Beatles once sang, it’s getting better all the time. Quinnimont (Flat 3), as reported last time, is completely done other than some trim work and flooring. That hasn’t stopped Amy from proceeding with decorating work and placing some furniture, especially in the bedroom. This is good because we are making the commute to and […]
You can easily plan a fun trip you both will love. All the insider info you need is in this guide!