We are pleased to announce that Kathleen M. Jacobs has been selected as this year’s New River Gorge Writer-in-Residence. Kathleen, who currently resides in Charleston, is the author of the recently published Young Adult novel Honeysuckle Holiday. Her second book is scheduled for publication in the spring of 2017.
Kathleen will live at Lafayette Flats for three months this winter, where she will work on her third book, a children’s book set in Fayette County. She says of her selection for the Residency, “Being gifted the opportunity to work on this story in the area where it takes place is a tremendous opportunity for me to get it exactly right — to take in all the sights and sounds and flavors of the county firsthand, to truly engage all five senses and watch as they make their way into the story.”
This year’s residency marks the third consecutive year that Lafayette Flats has hosted a writer for the winter.
The first was novelist Eric Shonkwiler, and last year’s resident was Mary Ann Henry, also a published author. We are thrilled to have yet another talented writer to continue the tradition of excellence for this residency. That Kathleen will be working on a story that is set in Fayette County is
icing on the cake.
We know that all of Fayetteville will look forward to welcoming Kathleen to town in January and that everyone will enjoy getting to know Kathleen through her contributions to this blog.