Amy’s dad, Carl, is fast becoming the official historian of Lafayette Flats. One of the neat things he dug up was this newspaper article from 1904. Among other things, the article says that the building was going to be finished by October 1 of that year. Another article he found – from October – said that the building was still under construction and was expected to be completed by year’s end. It doesn’t say what the delay was, and he hasn’t yet found an article that says when indeed the building was finished, but it seems it should have been around the end of 1904 or early 1905 (We’re really hoping that history doesn’t repeat itself; we also have a planned completion date in October!).
Now the historic register claims that the building was built in 1906, and it mentions Cinto Peraldo as the person who built it. The newspaper article says that Antonio Janutolo was the builder and clearly documents that construction was begun in 1904. We’re hoping Carl can find out the reason for these discrepancies.
There are lots more interesting things that Carl has uncovered about the building, the bank and the people who ran the banks, but we’ll let him tell you about that another time. We’ve asked him to do some guest blogging for us, so expect to see some history lessons from him to show up here soon.
Next Post: History of the Malcolm Building
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