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Lafayette Flats
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Lafayette Flats

Welcome TO THE

One of the positive responses that many people have felt as a result of this global pandemic is a stronger desire to check-in on people we care about. That’s why we sent a message to all the past New River Gorge Creatives-in-Residence to find out how they are doing and what they’ve been up to […]

New River Gorge Creatives

Editor’s Note: Eric Shonkwiler is the New River Gorge Writer-in-Residence for 2015. He has spent the past three months living at Lafayette Flats where he has been writing a new novel. The Residency ends this week and Eric will be leaving Fayetteville in pursuit of his next adventure. This is his final post on this […]

Editor’s note: Eric Shonkwiler is the 2015 New River Gorge Winter Writer-in-Residence and is living and writing at Lafayette Flats this winter. This is his second contribution to our blog. Eric will be reading from his book “Above All Men” at Taylor Books in Charleston at 6:00 on March 12 I find it hard to believe […]

Editor’s note: Eric Shonkwiler is the 2015 New River Gorge Winter Writer-in-Residence and is living and writing at Lafayette Flats this winter. This is his second contribution to our blog. When I applied for the residency here at Lafayette Flats, one of the terms of the deal was that I, with my very presence, I […]

Lafayette Flats co-owner Shawn Means and Writer-in-Residence Eric Shonkwiler Editor’s Note: Eric Shonkwiler is the first-ever New River Gorge Winter Writer in Residence at Lafayette Flats. He will be spending the next three months as a guest of Lafayette Flats during which time he will be working on a new novel. His first novel, “Above […]

Novelist Eric Shonkwiler has been awarded the New River Gorge Winter Writer’s Residency for 2015. As Writer-in-Residence, Shonkwiler will live at Lafayette Flats, a luxury vacation rental in downtown Fayetteville, from January through March. During the three month residency Shonkwiler will be working on his own writing as well as contributing to the Lafayette Flats […]

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